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Planning Board Minutes 2008/09/04
7:00 PM

*****DRAFT*****                                                   *****DRAFT*****
Present:        Allan Davis, Vice-Chairman
                Bruce Jennings
                Philip Porter
                Derek Tatlock
                Peter White
                Emma Smith, Ex-officio
                Michael Marquise, Town Planner
                Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator

Absent: Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                Frederick Gallup, Ex-officio Alternate

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Vice-Chairman Allan Davis

Allan Davis reported that the case of Sonya Land Investments, Inc. has been withdrawn.

Michael advised the Board members that the Fall Lecture Series will take place in Hanover on October 15, 22, and 29, 2008 if anyone would like to attend.  He handed out copies of the brochure.  He also reported that the NH Association Regional Planning Commission will hold a discussion at Loon Mountain and gave the information to the members.

The minutes of the August 7, 2008 meeting were reviewed and the following corrections made:
Line 115 –change Site Plan Review to Preliminary Site Plan Review.
Line 169 – change fenced in are to fenced in area.
A motion was made by Peter White to approve the minutes as corrected.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter and approved with one abstention (PP).

The minutes of the July 3, 2008 meeting were reviewed and the following corrections made.
Line 76 – change list on line to listed on-line.
Line 120 – change getting sited to getting cited.
Line 121 – change is sited there to is cited there.
Line 135 – change the require area to the required area.
Line 139 – change have every right to has every right.
Line 168 – change the low of to the law of.
Line 177 – change different manner  to variation.
Line 182 – change sited to cited.
Line 191 – add the definition of travel trailers is after state that.
Line 195 – change that are 2 to there are 2.
Line 196 – change impact that to impact than.
Line 210 – change other street to other streets.
Line 228 – change village district to Village District.
Line 271 – change the by applicant to by the applicant.  Change buffering to landscaping.  Add number of before parking.
Line 301- change will tape off to will taper off.
A motion was made by Phil Porter to approve the minutes as corrected.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock and approved unanimously.

7:29 PM – Allan Davis announced again that the Sonya Land Investments, Inc. case has been withdrawn.

Map 133, Lot 87, Sunapee Harbor Riverway, Inc., 68 Main St., Proposed Municipal Library Preliminary Site Plan Review.

Peter White and Bruce Jennings recused themselves.

Chris Lizotte – Architect, Peter Blakeman – Civil Engineer, and Greg Grigsby – Landscape Architect presented the proposal.

A slide presentation was given.  The building will be 2 stories and will be approximately 9,200 square feet with room to expand.  The lot is .95 acres and the first phase will consist of a 5,700 square foot footprint.  The parking lot will be a little less than 7,000 square feet.  The main level of the building comes off the street and the back level will have a walk out to a patio.  The 50’ shoreline buffer was shown and they will go through permitting with the state.  About 34% of the existing site is impervious.  The parking lot will be pervious.  Plans for drains were shown.  There will be replanting of some trees, but they are leaving as many as possible. The pathway shown will be realigned.  Water from the roof will run off to a cistern and some will be used for irrigation.  They will need to get a variance for the front setback and will need a permit for 1 foot of fill within the 50’ setback.  Roger Landry advised that if they are cutting more than 5 trees, they will need Planning Board approval.  

With the pervious paving of the parking lot, the impervious area will be 22%.  There will be 21 parking spaces and the building will be ADA accessible.  There will be an elevator in the building.  The number of parking spaces is based on one space for every 300 – 400 sq. ft. of building.  There will be some grading as they want to keep the parking area as level as possible.  Granite pieces from the site will be used for the parking lot rather than guardrails.

The height of the building is 38’.  Levels and entries from the parking lot and Main St. were shown.  The landscaping will be low maintenance.  There will be a snow storage area and the steep slope off the parking area will be planted with yellow root.  There will also be shade trees between the walkway and the parking area.  The vegetation in the woodland buffer will be native and they will be removing invasive species.  The patio area will be a pervious material.

Allan asked for comments from the public.  There were none.

Derek Tatlock noted that it is a small lot for the building and thinks it is overloading the site.  Phil Porter asked if the attic will be usable space and Mr. Lizotte stated it will not be for public use, but will probably be used for mechanical equipment.  Phil asked about a walkway across the Sugar River and Mr. Blakeman stated that it is not part of this proposal.  Mr. Grigsby stated that they will be removing impervious areas from the waterfront.  

Phil asked if this will be a green building and Mr. Lizotte advised that the building is designed for day lighting and they have talked about solar panels on the roof.  He stated that the Library is also looking at geo thermal options and the wells would be under the parking lot.  The glues, adhesives, and paints used will not be off-gassing and the carpet, ceiling tiles, and door cores will probably come from recycled products.

Phil also asked about room for computers and Mr. Lizotte advised there will be space for 12.  Phil asked about the possibility of the lower part of the building being flooded and Mr. Blakeman stated that the building is 8 to 10 ft. above the river.  Mr. Lizotte advised that it is not in the flood plain.  Emma Smith asked the number of meeting rooms.  There will be one on the upper level and on the lower level there is a meeting room with space for 40 people.  The lower level room can be opened to an adjoining room to double the capacity to 80.  

Peter White noted that the biggest green thing is the reuse of an already developed site.

Allan Davis asked about the parking lot and Mr. Blakeman advised that they will be filling it to a grade of less than 1%.  Roger commented that if they could add more parking spaces, it would be a benefit.  

Peter Urbach stated that if the town does a one way loop, it would permit parking on Main St. and asked if that idea is gone.  Emma Smith advised that the proposal has been shelved until next spring.  Peter White stated that the building committee looked at the site and determined that they will be very few times where there will be a parking conflict and when the library is not open, it will add parking for the harbor.

Phil asked if the floor of the attic will be load bearing and Mr. Lizotte advised that they have not addressed that, but it could be.  Barbara Chalmers stated that there will be a storage room on the lower level.

Mr. Blakeman asked if there were any additional issues regarding permitting that they need to address and was advised that there is nothing additional other than the cutting of trees.

Mr. Lizotte advised that the lighting will be cut-off fixtures so that they will not aim up to the sky.

A motion was made by Phil Porter to move the application to Final Site Plan Review.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith and approved unanimously (DT, PP, ES, AD).

8:15 PM – The hearing was closed.

8:16 PM
Map 114, Lot 6, Heather Bell, Browns Hill Road, Major Subdivision

Michael advised that the application was filed 3 weeks in advance, fees were paid, abutters notified, and notices posted.  He stated that the Board may need buildings within 200’ feet of the subdivision shown on the plan.  There are 2 state permits necessary:  septic permits for lots 1, 3, 4, and 5, which have been received and they need the access off Route 11 approved for lot 3.  Bob Bell stated that the access off Route 11 is an old driveway that is being opened up and Michael stated that it will service 2 lots, so they need it confirmed by the State.  Mr. Bell advised that he will redraw the driveway on lot 5 to serve lot 4.  

A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to accept the application as complete subject to showing all buildings within 200’ and changing the driveway of lot 5 to include lot 4.  The motion was seconded by Phil Porter and approved unanimously.

Mr. Bell advised that the Browns Hill Association met, but he does not know the outcome of the meeting. Bob Eckenrode stated that a buffer and having the driveway at the top makes sense.  He advised that the proposal at the meeting was to trade off a sliver of land for the current strip to provide for a protected strip along the wall.  They will get more information from the Association.

Phil Porter advised that the Board has been talking about having 75’ buffers along Route 11, but it has not been established yet and would need a vote by the town.  Mr. Bell stated that he is willing to leave a buffer and it would possibly be 50’ on his property.  Michael stated that it may be difficult with the septic area.  Bruce asked if lot 4 meets the 4 to 1 ration and Michael stated he thinks it is okay without the dogleg to the right.

A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to continue the application to the next meeting on October 2, 2008.  The motion was seconded by Phil Porter and approved unanimously.  

8:33PM – The hearing was closed.

Conservation Commission – Maps for Master Plan
Van Webb and Tim Fleury presented the mylar overlays for the maps for the Master Plan.  The Board members were shown how they work.  The overlays show parcels, conserved land, water resources, etc.  The Board reviewed the maps and some streets will be added (Shadow Lane, Kate Lane? at Perkins Pond, Granite Ridge Rd.,)  Blaisdale Hill will be checked for the correct spelling and the new subdivision off Brook Rd. will be added.  Van will meet with Roger to add or correct any other streets.  Van advised that he will get the final review done and he should have the final maps by the end of October.

9:07 PM – The meeting adjourned.

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to the next meeting of the Planning Board.

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary of, not a verbatim of the tape.  

Submitted by,  Joan Bleau                       Approved_____________________
Recording Secretary

______________________________          _____________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                        Allan Davis, Vice-Chairman

______________________________          _____________________________
Bruce Jennings                                  Derek Tatlock

______________________________          _____________________________
Philip Porter                                   Peter White

______________________________          _____________________________
Emma M. Smith, Ex-Officio                       Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio